支持一下! Support us!


We need your help.  Please donate and support our work.

點解要捐款俾香港屋? Why Donate? 

香港屋嘅活動好多時唔係免費就係只收好親民嘅入場費。而每次活動嘅開支大約要$50 - $500 不等,當中包括場地租金、保險、製作材料或其他費用。
All HK House events are often free or at cost for everyone to attend. Our events usually cost between $50-$500 to put on, inclusive of rentals, fee, insurance and materials. 


"I am a Hong Konger" HK House Collection


We want to grow and strengthen the Vancouver Hong Konger community. Visual representation is the first step. We envision a day where every Hong Konger can recognize each other and wear our identity loud and proud.

捐贈香港屋即可獲得以下禮物 Receive one of the following gifts after donating!

掛耳杯 Mug — 售罄,補貨中
sold out, restocking soon!

捐款禮物交收安排 Guidelines for donation & gift collection

重要事項 Important notes

其他支持方式 Other ways to help 

You can participate in our events and programs or volunteer your time. Follow our social media below to learn more:
