關於我哋 About Us

關於香港屋 About HK House 

香港屋 (HK House) 於2020年由一班熱愛香港文化嘅義工成立,旨在開拓一個安全共融嘅平台去凝聚日益龐大嘅香港人社群同令更多人認識了解香港文化。成員當中有早年移民嚟大溫嘅香港人同從未踏足香港嘅 CBC,甚至有非華裔嘅加拿大人!喺過去一年,香港屋嘅規模擴大了,吸納唔少剛移民到埗嘅港人一齊致力喺大溫地區守護和傳承香港文化,推廣正確嘅價值觀,為維繫一個強健社區出一分力。喺2022年尾,香港屋更正式註冊成為一個本地非牟利組織。


HONG KONG HOUSE CULTURAL SOCIETY or HK House, is a volunteer-led and run community organisation. Our team is made up of a diverse set of people with vastly different stories. First and second generation immigrants, recent newcomers and locals of different backgrounds work together to curate and maintain a society with strong values. 

Established in 2020, HK House was born out of a need for a safe gathering place for the steadily growing Hong Konger diaspora community in Vancouver. Since inception, HK House has curated regular programming, including seasonal hikes, community clean-ups, game nights, film screenings, a free mental health support series offered in English and Cantonese, as well as the Vancouver Hong Kong Fair. We offer educational resources and cultural promotion using our social media, ensuring all offerings are translated to English and Cantonese. In December 2022, HK House was officially registered as a non-profit society in British Columbia.

我哋嘅任務 Our Mission